ALBA OPTICS MANTRA BLACK 黑色鏡框 (鏡框請勿單獨下單,需與鏡片成對購買)


ALBA OPTICS MANTRA BLACK 黑色鏡框 (鏡框請勿單獨下單,需與鏡片成對購買)

【鏡框請勿單獨下單,,需與鏡片成對購買,如欲參考各式鏡框與鏡片的組合搭配,請前往BLOG之ALBA OPTICS展示區】如下:

Don’t fold, ride bold.
A true athlete always wears glasses.
Don’t fold, ride bold.
A true athlete always wears glasses. When they take them off they keep them close at hand, placing it on the helmet, upon the head or hung around their neck. For this reason the Mantra arms do not bend, allowing for a more fluid use in the wearers movements: simply faster.